Once again it is semester test time. This year our high school teachers
have really re-evaluated their semester tests. Because we want this
final assessment to be a valuable learning experience for our students,
many of our teachers have created semester projects that assess (and
require students to use) all the essential skills taught throughout the
semester. Instead of the traditional multiple choice test, our students
will be creating, collaborating, communicating, and synthesizing all of
the learning that has taken place during first semester.
Here are a few reminders for students and parents during semester tests:
*Students are required to be in school ONLY when testing. Do not loiter
in the halls when not testing. You must be in the study hall or out of
the building.
*The study hall is to be used as a quiet study area during semester exams. This area will be supervised.
*Punctuality is essential during semester tests! Students will NOT be
allowed to take a semester test if they are more than 10 minutes late to
*Students missing exams for reasons other than excused absences will receive an “F” on the exam.
*All students must stay in their testing room at least 45 minutes after
the beginning of the test. PLEASE be quiet in the halls after your test
- other students may still be testing!
*Look at the test schedule posted in the commons and write down when and where your tests will be held.
*When you are off school grounds during the day, please act like young
adults and drive safely. Community complaints will end the open campus
concept for semester tests in the future. Some students have lost open
campus privileges in the past. Also, remember that students with school
permits should NOT be driving around!
*All students with over-due books, unserved detentions, unpaid art
bills, shop bills, or any other discipline issues, will NOT be eligible
for open campus. ALL detentions must be made up prior to December 17th.
*REMEMBER the NO PASS NO PLAY rule that was passed by the State of Iowa.
This is not limited to athletics it is for ALL extra curricular
activities (example: Speech)
*Lunch will be served Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. However, if you
sign-up for a lunch you are expected to eat. You will be charged for
the lunch whether you eat it or not.
*Buses will leave school at regular times:
Monday and Tuesday - 3:15 p.m.
Wednesday - 2:30 p.m.
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